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Supports for New Educators

These programs are designed to help early-career educators make a smooth transition into the profession.
LAE Ecole

One of the top reasons educators say they leave the profession in the first five years is lack of support. The Louisiana Association of Educators is actively seeking to change this by focusing on helping all early-career educators make a smooth transition into the profession. In conjunction with the NEA, the association is focusing on building relationships with the next generation of teachers and school employees.

Early Career Educator Networking and Support

The Louisiana Association of Educators' Early Career Cohort of Louisiana Educators (aka E'C2OLE) is a network of Louisiana school employees in the early years of their careers. Established by early-career educators, for early-career educators, the cohort focuses on providing school employees with less than 5 years experience in the profession with the support needed to become acquainted with full-time work in Louisiana's K-12 public school system.

Being a part of E'C2OLE grants educators access to free professional development courses including Early Career Success Strategies, Cultural Competency trainings, and other areas of best professional practice that help new educators develop the skills needed to meet  the demands of today's classroom. 

Want to start or connect with an exisiting E'C2OLE chapter in your district? Email LAE Early Career Educator Organizational Specialist Yvie Johnson to take next steps.

Upcoming Opportunities

LAE hosts a series of "Learning Labs" across the state (Caddo, Evangeline, Ouachita/Monroe City, St. John the Baptist parishes, as well as the University of Louisiana Lafayette) where veteran teachers partner with their colleagues with five years of experience or less to help them expand their professional knowledge in the areas of the new educator's choosing. CLICK HERE to check out a list of scheduled labs.


Louisiana Association of Educators

LAE’s mission is to organize and empower educators to promote quality public schools, strengthen the profession, and improve the well-being of public school children across Louisiana.