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LAE Nomination Form: Teacher Image Award

Use this online form at the bottom of the page to submit your nomination.

Read the instructions below, then submit the form at the bottom of this page.

Purpose:  To recognize an individual whose leadership and actions have advanced public education, the image of teachers, and the association.

Awards:  The winner will be honored at the 2024 LAE Representative Assembly, on April 6-7, 2024.  

The winner will also be submitted to the National Education Association for the NEA Foundation Awards for Teaching Excellence.  All affiliate awardees receive expenses-paid travel to The NEA Foundation’s Annual Salute to Excellence in Education Gala in Washington, DC. 

Eligibility:  All current teacher members of LAE.

Selection:  Affiliate Level

Criteria:  Nominations are judged according to the following five criteria: 

  1. Professional Practice
  2. Advocacy for the Profession 
  3. Community Engagement
  4. Leadership in Professional Development
  5. Attention to Diversity

Based on the packet of information submitted, members of the LAE Selection Committee will rate nominees on a scale of 1 to 5 for each criterion, where ‘1’ represents “minimal” evidence of the criterion, and ‘5’ represents “very strong” evidence of the criterion.

Assembly of Nomination PacketNomination packages must include all materials listed below, in the specified order.


All applications MUST be submitted electronically in a Word document except for the three (3) letters of endorsement which should be scanned into a PDF file and the photograph of the nominee which should be attached in a JPEG file.

Deadline: Friday, March 1, 2024.

Notification: LAE will notify the winner by  March 5, 2024.                                                                                                                                   

Nominations that do not conform to ALL deadlines and ALL format specifications will be disqualified.


Current LAE membership

Submission of an electronic portfolio including ONLY the following:

Criteria:  Applications for the LAE Teacher Image Award are judged according to five criteria.

Panelists rate awardees on each criterion using the point value indicated below. 

1)  Professional Practice: The awardee demonstrates instructional expertise, creativity, and innovation.  The awardee uses a variety of pedagogical techniques and effectively addresses students’ different learning styles and needs.  The awardee is an instructional leader at the local, state, and/or national level. (15 points)

2)  Advocacy for the Profession: The awardee is a current, active member of the local, state, and/or national education association, and has assumed leadership roles at one or more of these levels.  The awardee is an active member of other professional organizations and engages in activities that advance the profession and public education.  The awardee speaks out on behalf of public education, educators, and students. (15 points)

3)   Community Engagement: The awardee frequently interacts with parents and other community members on substantive education issues.  The awardee brings community resources to the classroom and conducts service learning projects with his or her students in the community. (5 points)

4)  Leadership in Professional Development: The awardee continually engages in experiences to improve his or her practice and to gain new skills and knowledge.  The awardee shares this new learning with colleagues in a variety of venues.  The awardee’s participation in and commitment to professional development has a visible impact on his or her institution, students, and community. (10 points)

5)  Attention to Diversity: The awardee works to provide a learning environment that meets the needs of all students, regardless of differences.  The awardee recognizes and explicitly addresses the full array of values, cultures, and experiences represented in our diverse modern society, both through curriculum and instruction and in other interactions with students. (5 points)

Contents of Nomination Packet              

Nomination packages must include all of the items listed below, in the specified order. and follow the formatting instructions:

  • Double-spaced
  • Times New Roman font
  • 12-point type
  • 1-inch margins all around
  • Handwritten information is NOT allowed.

1. DATA SHEET (One page maximum)

The data sheet requests contact information for the awardee and the awardee’s local affiliate.

2. NOMINATION LETTER (Three-page maximum)

The nomination letter from the state, federal, or direct affiliate president explains why the awardee deserves a national award. Alternatively, a local president can write the official nomination letter outlining the awardee’s qualifications and the state president can attach an additional page with one sentence certifying the nomination.


The resume provides a brief, factual overview of the awardee’s career, including positions held, degrees attained, honors received, etc.  The resume may also describe personal achievements or activities that are not noted elsewhere.

4. AWARDEE’S STATEMENT (3400-word maximum/submitted as part of the single Word file)

The awardee’s statement must be written by the awardee, as a first-person narrative.  The statement includes specific examples to illustrate all five of the award criteria.  The questions below do not need to be copied verbatim in the text.  However, awardees are strongly encouraged to include headings or keywords related to the criteria to aid the panelists in their reading.

4a)   What are the most successful innovations that you have introduced in your classroom or school?  What strategies or methods do you use to ensure that all students achieve at a high level?  How do you act as an instructional leader?

4b)   How has your involvement in the Louisiana Association of Educators and the National Education Association contributed to your success as an educator?  How would you persuade a new colleague to join or become more active in the association?  In what other ways do you serve as an advocate for the profession and for public education?

4c)  What community resources do you bring to the classroom to enhance your lessons and student achievement?  What service learning projects have you conducted with your students to benefit the community?

4d)   What experiences or activities have been most beneficial to your professional knowledge, skills, and practice?  How have you contributed to the professional development of your colleagues?  How has your professional growth made a difference for your school or university, your students, and your community?  Include examples.

4e)   How do you address issues of diversity in your curriculum and instruction and in other interactions with students?  What is the result of such efforts?  How does your approach to diversity affect your work?

4f)   If you have not already done so, tell a story about how your approach to teaching made a difference for a student or a group of students.

4g)   What advice would you give to someone entering the profession on how to attain teaching excellence?

5. ENDORSEMENT LETTERS (A maximum of three letters, two-page maximum each. All letters must be scanned into a PDF file)

Letters of endorsement are written by the awardee’s local affiliate president, colleagues, current or former students, parents, or community members.  Letters should be signed, and the salutation should be addressed to the Louisiana Association of Educators’ Executive Committee or the national panel for The NEA Foundation Awards for Teaching Excellence.

Nomination Form

What award are you nominating for?

Purpose:  To recognize an individual whose leadership and actions have advanced public education, the image of teachers, and the association.
Purpose: To recognize individuals, groups, or organizations that have broadened the horizon for minorities and women through one or more of the following criteria:
  • Displays creativity, determination, perseverance, and/or extraordinary courage in achieving human and civil rights.
  • Contributes to the achievement of self-determination by women and minorities
  • Initiates or engages in activities that positively impact the educational, social, economic, or political life of women and minorities
  • Promotes public policy designed to eliminate gender and racial stereotyping in education and in other sectors of the economy
  • Establishes an ongoing program or institution for the improvement of human relations and civil rights
Purpose:  To recognize an individual whose leadership and actions have advanced public education, the image of Education Support Professionals, and the Association.
Purpose: To recognize an individual or group whose leadership, acts, and support have had an impact in the improvement of public education, the education profession, or in the lives of children in Louisiana.
Purpose:  To recognize an individual whose leadership and actions have advanced public education, the image of administrators, and the Association.
Purpose:  To recognize an individual whose leadership and actions have advanced public education, the image of ancillary personnel, and the Association. 

Nominee's Information:
Nominator's Information:

The nomination letter from the state, federal, or direct affiliate president explains why the awardee deserves a national award. Alternatively, a local president can write the official nomination letter outlining the awardee’s qualifications and the state president can attach an additional page with on sentence certifying the nomination.
Nomination letter must address each of the five criteria. Please set off each area with the criteria heading to aid the LAE Selection Committee.
  • Professional Practice: (Include worksite responsibilities and professional achievements the nominee has made in his/her field; include examples of leadership, creativity and innovation in making a difference for students and the school or workplace.)
  • Member Advocacy and Association Involvement: (include evidence of leadership, creativity and innovation in advocating for members, for the profession and for public education; include how the nominee’s involvement in NEA or its affiliates contribute to professional success; evidence that the nominee is active in member recruitment and encouraging colleagues to be more involved members.)
  • Community Engagement: (include details on how the nominee is involved in promoting public education within the community through charitable projects and activities and examples of how that involvement has benefited students, families and members.)
  • Personal Achievement: (include a description of the nominee’s personal and/or professional goals; what they have done or are doing to meet these goals; how his/her growth and goals benefit students, members and/or the community; what advice they would give to a colleague entering the profession.)
  • Enhancement of ESP Image: (include details of how the nominee’s activities have enhanced the image of Educational Support Professionals at the worksite, in the Association and in the community.)

Letter of Nomination: 
Explain how the nominee has blazed a trail locally, statewide, or nationally in one or more of the following criteria
  • Displays creativity, determination, perseverance, and/or extraordinary courage in achieving human and civil rights
  • Contributes to the achievement of self-determination by women and minorities
  • Initiates or engages in activities that positively impact the educational, social, economic, or political life of women and minorities
  • Promotes public policy designed to eliminate gender and racial stereotyping in education and in other sectors of the economy
  • Establishes an ongoing program or institution for the improvement of human relations and civil rights

Letter of Nomination: 
A letter from the president of the local LAE affiliate
One file only.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
One file only.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
One file only.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip.
Awardee's Statement:

The awardee’s statement must be written by the awardee, as a first-person narrative.  The statement includes specific examples to illustrate all five of the award criteria.  The questions below do not need to be copied verbatim in the text.  However, awardees are strongly encouraged to include headings or keywords related to the criteria to aid the panelists in their reading.

a)   What are the most successful innovations that you have introduced in your classroom or school?  What strategies or methods do you use to ensure that all students achieve at a high level?  How do you act as an instructional leader?

b)   How has your involvement in the Louisiana Association of Educators and the National Education Association contributed to your success as an educator?  How would you persuade a new colleague to join or become more active in the association?  In what other ways do you serve as an advocate for the profession and for public education?

c)  What community resources do you bring to the classroom to enhance your lessons and student achievement?  What service learning projects have you conducted with your students to benefit the community?

d)   What experiences or activities have been most beneficial to your professional knowledge, skills, and practice?  How have you contributed to the professional development of your colleagues?  How has your professional growth made a difference for your school or university, your students, and your community?  Include examples.

e)   How do you address issues of diversity in your curriculum and instruction and in other interactions with students?  What is the result of such efforts?  How does your approach to diversity affect your work?

f)   If you have not already done so, tell a story about how your approach to teaching made a difference for a student or a group of students.

g)   What advice would you give to someone entering the profession on how to attain teaching excellence?
Give specific examples of   achievement in each of the five criteria areas:
  • Professional Practice
  • Member Advocacy and Association Involvement
  • Community Engagement
  • Personal Achievement
  • Enhancement of ESP image
Nominee Statement: 
  1. What has the nominee done to enhance his/her profession?  (Consider such things as the development of new techniques/strategies, certification, training/educational background, providing training, holding office, serving on committees within the Association or within the employing system, other.)
  2. What honors and/or awards have been earned by the nominee?
  3. In which community activities has the nominee participated?
  4. In which Association activities has the nominee participated?
Nominee Statement: 
  1. What has the nominee done to enhance his/her profession?  (Consider such things as development of new techniques/strategies, certification, training/educational background, providing training, holding office, service on committees within the Association or within the employing system, other.)
  2. What honors and/or awards have been earned by the nominee?
  3. In which community activities has the nominee participated?
  4. In which Association activities has the nominee participated?
A narrative of no more than 1000 words addressing the following topics
  1. Paragraph 1 describing the nominee’s major job responsibilities and how the nominee’s work impacts the education process
  2. Paragraph 2 describing the nominee’s involvement in the promotion of public education in the community
  3. Paragraph 3 describing the nominee’s involvement in activities that have enhanced the image of ancillary personnel and the profession
  4. Paragraph 4 respond to the following: What, in your opinion, is the vital role of ancillary personnel in promoting and strengthening public education?
A narrative of no more than 1000 words addressing the following topics
  1. Paragraph 1 describing the nominee’s major job responsibilities and how the nominee’s work impacts the education process
  2. Paragraph 2 describing the nominee’s involvement in the promotion of public education in the community
  3. Paragraph 3 describing the nominee’s involvement in activities that have enhanced the image of administrators and the profession
  4. Paragraph 4 respond to the following: What, in your opinion, is the vital role of administrators in promoting and strengthening public education?
A narrative of no more than 2000 words using the following format:
  • Paragraph 1 stating specifically and concisely what the nominee has accomplished to warrant consideration for the LAE Trailblazer Award.
  • Succeeding paragraphs providing background information supporting the nomination statement.  In addition, include how the nominee has inspired others to volunteerism etc.  List any honors or awards received and community involvement.
Narrative of Achievement: 
A narrative of no more than 2000 words.

Paragraph 1 should state, specifically and concisely, what the nominee has done to improve public education, the education profession, or the lives of children. Succeeding paragraphs must provide the following:
  • Background information supporting the nomination statement
  • How the nominee has inspired others to volunteer
  • List any honors or awards received by the nominee
  • Describe the nominee’s community involvement
Maximum 3 files.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip.
Letters of endorsement are written by the awardee’s local affiliate president, colleagues, current or former students, parents, or community members.  Letters should be signed, and the salutation should be addressed to the Louisiana Association of Educators’ Executive Committee or the national panel for The NEA Foundation Awards for Teaching Excellence.
Maximum 10 files.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip.
Please provide documentation verifying activities included in the narrative.  Supporting documentation should not be repetitious.  Please do not send originals because the documentation received will not be returned.
Maximum 10 files.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip.
At least five (5) pieces of documentation supporting the achievement of the nominee:  i.e. certificates of achievement, newspaper articles, photo documentation, magazine articles, etc.
One file only.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
1)  The above-named person consents to the unlimited use by LAE and the NEA Foundation and/or the National Education Association (NEA) of his/her image in any form, including but not limited to, digital media, film, audio recording, or still photography, in connection with any LAE and/or NEA publicity or communications effort.  These efforts may include, among other things, publications, videos, and websites.

2)  The above-named person agrees that the LAE and the NEA Foundation and/or NEA may have unlimited use of any program information or text from communications that he/she submits to either of them, in connection with any LAE, the NEA Foundation and/or NEA publicity or communications efforts, as described above.

3)  The LAE and the NEA Foundation and/or NEA shall be under no obligation to actually use the above-mentioned person in any way.

4)  The above-named person further agrees that neither the LAE and the NEA Foundation nor the NEA will compensate him/her in money or otherwise for the consents granted above.

Louisiana Association of Educators

LAE’s mission is to organize and empower educators to promote quality public schools, strengthen the profession, and improve the well-being of public school children across Louisiana.